Помимо 16-ти уже вышедших томов манги, существует дополнительная серия новелл под названием Replace.
Пока вышло два тома этой серии, соответственно Replace и Replace 2: Kiseki no Gakuensai

Эти истории Фудзимаки Тадатоси рисует в соавторстве с Хирабаяси Савако (Hirabayashi Sawako) и выходят они в издательстве JUMP j BOOKS

Приобрести эти два тома + остальные 16 томов манги можно, например, здесь

Информация о кратком содержании новелл и еще арты в комментариях к этой записи
Спасибо Persimmon!

@темы: официальный арт, title: Kuroko no Basuke, вид спорта: баскетбол, официальная информация

01.03.2012 в 12:01

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
А равки где-нибудь есть?
01.03.2012 в 17:32

"Археология - наука лопаты!"
Persimmon, Эх, лично я не нашла, но я и искать плохо умею :(
Кто найдет, пишите, выложу :)
01.03.2012 в 19:59

мир - это подарок на мой самый первый день рождения
было бы интересно почитать, но уже точно не на японском...
01.03.2012 в 20:18

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
Nailya, я согласна хоть на суоми :lol:
01.03.2012 в 20:20

"Археология - наука лопаты!"
На японском можно хотя бы посмотреть! ;-)
01.03.2012 в 20:28

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
да на любом языке можно просмотреть, главное чтобы было что смотреть.
19.03.2012 в 09:42

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
решился вопрос - почему нет равок. Сегодня мне пришли томики и Реплейс оказался новеллами ХD Чтож, если найдете япониста, то с радостью предоставлю на перевод.
19.03.2012 в 12:35

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
Persimmon, а картинок там совсем нет? или что-то все-таки есть?
19.03.2012 в 16:38

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
а картинок там совсем нет?
По 5 чб картинок и цветной разворот в каждой книге. Чб иллюстрации не прорисованы толком, больше похожи на наброски, да и смысла особого не несут. Впечатлили только иллюстрации с Атсуши в бальном платье и Куроко в костюме зайца (такой костюм, в котором людей на улицах зазывают и рекламки раздают).
В томе по 5 историй, и про прошлое ПЧ только самая первая история в каждом томе, остальные уже про Сейрин или другие школы, так сказать, в настоящем.
19.03.2012 в 17:03

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
издевательство(((( то есть от арта на пиксиве толка больше... а про прошлое мала...
19.03.2012 в 17:31

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Но истории хотелось бы почитать, выглядят они интересными, да и канон =\
19.03.2012 в 17:57

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
мне тяжело переходить с манги на новеллы. они у меня очень редко идут. я скорее текст по диагонали пробегаю и с гигиканьем иду обратно в мангу.
19.03.2012 в 18:08

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Я вот уже давно перешла на новеллы)) Они легко читаются. Я весь Индекс (22 тома) всего дня за 3 или 4 прочитала.
19.03.2012 в 18:12

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
графические новеллы - да. да и то не все
19.03.2012 в 18:14

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Linoha, не очень понимаю в чем разница между новеллой Индекса и новеллой по Куроко.
19.03.2012 в 18:16

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
??? в смысле? графические новеллы для меня - компьютерные. мне знакомый скидывает и я там хожу (в основном на арты и любуюсь)
19.03.2012 в 18:28

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Linoha, вы про VN (Визуальные новеллы)? Или про ранобэ? Потому что графические новеллы = манга))
19.03.2012 в 18:33

Мне страшно заходить за тобой в пустую комнату, я каждый раз боюсь, что в ней никого не окажется. Тебя нет, тебя не существует, есть только твоя игра
может и визуальные :hmm: я же говорю мне скидывают, а я потом по скринам нужные кнопочки и строчки тыкаю :-D мне только на арты пофапать))) какое я необразованное чудовище :lol:
19.03.2012 в 18:39

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Linoha, ну вот и разобрались х))
26.04.2012 в 11:26

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
На мангафоксе выложили краткое содержание историй из новелл.
Replace I

Chapter 1: Teikou Basketball - After School (the only fully translated story so far in Chinese)
Starts with Momoi talking to her classmate about the 6th guy who confessed to her and she rejected. Friend seems to think that she likes Aomine because the relationship with a childhood friend is something straight out of a shoujo manga. Anyway, Momoi avoids the topic and runs to practice.

During practice, it turns out that Akashi arranged for the Teikou basketball club to practice the basics which isn't normal. (It was 10 days before their mid-term tests so this practice is the last practice until the tests are over). Also, a senior asked Kuroko to sit out of practice. ("Since it's Akashi's intructions, you better listen.") Insert the part about the ice-cream stick incident. (Momoi was thinking about who is it that she likes)

Kise pesters Aomine about his shooting skills, Aomine says that even he's not sure why he can shoot like that. Aomine comments that the basics are important but he wants to play in a match, Kise says that he wants to compete against Akashi. Midorima butts in and says that competitions are important but the mid-term tests are equally important and that Aomine better not barely pass an exam again. Aomine says that all he needs to do is read his notes once.

Murasakibara approaches Momoi and told her that Akashi wants her to go home with Kuroko (What? Akashi is arranging a date?!) No reasons were given but she happily obeys. She meets Kuroko at the arranged location (school entrance) only to find that the rest of the GoM are there (including Akashi) Akashi specifically told Momoi to bring Kuroko "Straight back home" and "Don't let him wander". He waves bye to the rest and goes off. (Aomine: Huh? Don't wander, does he think he's a teacher or something. Kuroko: If Akashi was a teacher, classes would be easier to understand.) Anyway because of many reasons including note photocopying, snack buying and whatever nonsense, Momoi could not bring Kuroko straight back home. She and the rest of the guys went to the arcade to get the notes photocopied and to play DDR to get points to get this special snack.
(There's too much details to this. Lol)
Important things:
-Murasakibara can't tell left from right. Kise has no sense of rhythm. Kuroko can play DDR but his lack of presence is so strong that if you don't pay attention, the machine makes no noise.
-Momoi encounters delinquents who promptly got taken care of by Aomine and Murasakibara. (Kuroko learnt his knee people behind the knees technique from Aomine.)
-Group takes neoprint photo.

Momoi and Kuroko go back home. Near Kuroko's home, he disappears. Momoi finds him at a basketball court. There were 5 delinquents bullying a Teikou basketball 2nd string 1st year student. Kuroko defends the student. The delinquents want to play a match. (Delinquents: If we win, we keep the brat's basketball and the girl. Kuroko is pissed because he felt they were insulting Momoi.) Momoi told Kuroko not to play because he sprained his wrist during his P.E class (Which is why Akashi told him not to practice and also why he wanted Momoi to send him back home immediately because he would definitely do what he just did which was to go and practice at a basketball court)

The delinquents play unfair. (Repeat scenario from chapter 11) Aomine and the rest (minus Murasaki) show up because a. Aomine knew that Kuroko sprained his wrist and like Akashi, expected him to go to a basketball court. b. Midorima wanted to give something to Momoi. c. Kise wanted to know how things were progressing between Momoi and Kuroko. Some epic dialogue later, delinquents trashed in basketball. Murasakibara shows up and the GoM decided to keep their whole arcade trip and this match a secret from Akashi because they are afraid they he'll scold them. (So cute.)

Chapter 2: Kaijou High Hundred Books of Youth (Something like that)
Basically, Kise's thinking about asking girls out instead of girls asking him out (which was the norm for him) (Kise is so useless ^^) So he stuck his finger out towards a crowd of girls and said "Whoever wants to drink coffee with me, grab this finger" and he ended up picking the first 5 of the 72 girls who responded.

Chapter 3: Seirin Basketball club - The biggest crisis
Kiyoshi lost the wallet containing their club funds. Everyone is (obviously) looking for it. Kuroko starts talking a lot about different ways to find a wallet. (This is Kuroko, Kuroko and talking a lot do not usually come together in the same sentence.) Hyuuga thought he was sick, and tries to check if he has a fever, Kuroko obviously backs away. He explains that he likes detective novels. In the end, #2 found the wallet. There was no money inside because Riko took the money for something else earlier and Kiyoshi forgot all about it. *Insert image of Hyuuga hurling wallet at Kiyoshi's head

Chapter 4: Continuation from chapter 2
Everyone in Kaijou Basketball team is unhappy about Kise's popularity. They want to be introduced to girls, specially models. But they don't know how to start topics with girls. In the end, one of the girls commented something about basketball being interesting, which escalated into the guys talking about basketball strategies and forgetting all about the girls (so they failed)

Chapter 5: Terror! Tragedy at the Mountain Resort
Seirin's training camp involves 'test of courage'. Team members are split into pairs (Kuroko and Kagami, Izuki and Mitobe, Koganei and Tsuchida, the remaining year ones). They try to scare their group members. Izuki loves to tell ghost stories and Hyuuga is immune because he hears it from Izuki a lot. Koganei and Tsuchida unexpectedly love ghost stories. Kagami is scared to death (contrary to his name, haha) Because Kagami is afraid that Kuroko would suddenly disappear (as usual), he asks Kuroko to keep talking and in that sort of atmosphere, Kuroko just told ghost stories in his usual deadpan tone (scary...)
26.04.2012 в 11:26

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Replace II

Chapter 1: Welcome to Teikou Festival (most detailed summary ever, you can tell how much the Chinese fans love the GOM)

Momoi got chased out of her class cafe booth because she sucks at cooking. So she goes around to visit other booths. The first booth she went to was the curry cafe (Kuroko's class) Kuroko was wearing butler's uniform. (Momoi inner fangirled) She took a photo of him. Kuroko asks Momoi for a favor.

Because Kuroko was having a break, Momoi and Kuroko went to visit the booths of the other GoM members. Midorima had a fortune telling booth but he chased Momoi away because on that particular day, their horoscopes clashed. Meanwhile Akashi is thrashing the members of the Shogi club.

Momoi and Kuroko then went on to Kise and Murasakibara's class. It turned out that their class was having some shojo-style cafe thing. (Based off some Shojo manga) Kise was dressed as a french soldier. Kise told Momoi and Kuroko that they definitely had to take a look at what Murasakibara was wearing. Murasakibara shows up...in a purple...gown. (I'm not kidding. There's a picture. He looks damn good in it. Really.) His most epic line is "If there is no bread, then they can have sweets." (If you know the "Daughter of evil" song series from Vocaloid, this will be a very familiar line.)

So it turns out that Kuroko wanted Momoi to participate in the 3-legged race with him. Aomine also heard about it. When he found out what the prize was, he wanted Kuroko to be his partner. He and Momoi start engaging in a tug-of-war on who gets Kuroko. In the end, Kuroko said he asked Momoi first. Meanwhile, Kise is being badgered by fangirls who want to be in the 3 legged race with him. Aomine asks Kise to be his partner, reluctantly.

Format of the race involves the 3-legged race itself, a quiz, a borrowing game, a haunted house and the race again.

The 3 legged race part: Both groups breezed through it easily.
Quiz: Kuroko/Momoi got through it easily because it was a question that was book related (Kuroko is a bookworm in case you didn't know.) Aomine/Kise passed a lot of questions before the organisers took pity on them and gave them a very simple question.
Borrowing game: Kuroko/Momoi have to borrow a seashell. Midorima's lucky item for that day was a seashell. The pair took it, Midorima chases after them and encounters Murasakibara. (Midorima is shocked. Kuroko was hiding behind Murasakibara's skirt but let's ignore that for now) Momoi bribes Murasakibara with pancakes and told him to stall Midorima while they run away. Aomine/Kise have to "borrow" heroes. Kise thought about it and he and Aomine went to drug the GoM members over to the organiser (minus Akashi) and told them "Blue, Yellow, Purple, Black, Green, Pink." (Japanese equivalent to power rangers.) The organisers are stunned and connected the GoM's names to color and passed them.
Haunted house: Momoi was scared but for Kuroko's sake, she tried not to freak out. Something wet fell on her neck and she freaked out and hugs someone. She thought it was Kuroko but it was actually Aomine. (Aomine: So sorry that I'm not Tetsu) It turned out that that thing was a yam? (I think it was yam. I'll just dub it yam for now) Momoi punches Aomine. Kise commented that Momoi was cute and Aomine retorted that she's a sow. Yam flies and hits Aomine. Kise laughs. Aomine chucks Yam at Kise.
Back to 3-legged race: Both teams got caught in trap so they lost.

Momoi buys a drink for Kuroko to console him because he seems pretty upset about the loss. It turns out that the prize for the race was a pair of branded basketball sneakers. He wanted to win it and give them to Aomine as thanks because if not for Aomine, he wouldn't be playing basketball now. It ends up with Aomine, Kise, Momoi and Kuroko watching the sunset on the old school building roof (Kuroko's secret hideout)
Эту историю просто обязаны экранизировать!!

Chapter 2:Midorima's unlucky day
It starts out with Midorima not being able to put on his glasses with his right hand because he slept with them on. He goes to the kitchen, greets his mom, and watches the horoscope. Just as he was listening to what his lucky item was for that day, the channel changes. (Note: His family knows how much of a nutcase he is so they usually don't change the channel when he's watching the horoscope part) It turns out that a feral cat snuck into his house and pressed the remote. It even ate his breakfast. Midorima fails to listen to what his lucky item is. He goes to school in a panic. (That's it for the summary)

Chapter 3: Kagami's part time job
No summary but it involves Kagami taking a part time job, finding out that Kuroko was taking the same part time job which involves furry mascot costumes. (Kuroko in furry rabbit suit. Too much cuteness. Suffering from internal injury due to all the moe)

Chapter 4: The sleepless night of Tooh high
No summary too. But Aomine stuffing himself with food is cute.

Chapter 5:The quiet morning in the Izuki household
No clue what this is about.
26.04.2012 в 11:28

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Так же я вырвала и отсканила цветные странички из своих экземпляров.

26.04.2012 в 14:43

"Археология - наука лопаты!"
Persimmon, Большое спасибо! :) Подниму запись :yes:
19.05.2012 в 14:08

На мангафоксе выложили краткое содержание историй из новелл.
на англе! эх... А почём вообще доставка-то из японии, сама бы заказала навелку почитала, таки драма сд была очертенно смешной, а раз уж новелка про школьный фестиваль, тем более "Чудесный" пропустить - стыдно)) И вы всегда с сдджапан заказываете?
19.05.2012 в 14:08

Uccello nel Cielo
чорд, от гостя написалось ==
19.05.2012 в 17:00

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
на англе! эх...
Ну там есть ссылка на полный перевод на китайском, каким языком вы владеете?

А почём вообще доставка-то из японии
И вы всегда с сдджапан заказываете?
Я не покупаю через сайты-посредники. Подруга (хоть и не очень близкая), живущая в Токио, иногда отправляет мне посылки с мангой и новеллами, к тому же один знакомый порой ездит в Японию в командировку и привозит что-нибудь по требованию.
19.05.2012 в 18:03

Uccello nel Cielo
Ну там есть ссылка на полный перевод на китайском, каким языком вы владеете?

ах, вот же везёт *__*
19.05.2012 в 19:02

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Ну, собственно, сами новеллы есть и у меня. Отсканить их у меня к сожалению не получится (проверено на томиках с мангой), но можно попробовать сфотографировать, вдруг вы захотите перевести :attr:
19.05.2012 в 19:32

Uccello nel Cielo
на перевод времени нету к сожалению.
Да не стоит, если пересылка будет в пределах разумной цены я лучше томики закажу, (правда с этой тупой почтой россии я в этом как-то сомневаюсь...) Спасибо)
Только вопрос! Второй томик прямо про фестиваль в Тейко? *___* И там будет много Чудесного Поклоения? *__*
19.05.2012 в 20:13

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Второй томик прямо про фестиваль в Тейко? *___* И там будет много Чудесного Поклоения? *__*
Второй том содержит историю о фестивале в Тейко, но не посвящен ей полностью. История о фестивале по объему занимает где-то половину от всего тома.
Выше написаны истории, которые туда входят.

на перевод времени нету к сожалению.
что же, это печально.